There are typically 15 top questions that patients have about hip replacement surgery.

When patients seek medical attention with complaints of persistent groin pain and stiffness, it often signifies an underlying issue – hip osteoarthritis. But what exactly is hip osteoarthritis, and how can it be addressed through hip replacement surgery?

The short answer is almost everybody is a candidate for anterior approach hip replacement.

Bikini incisions aren’t just cosmetically less noticeable, they also heal better than standard incisions in patients with skin folds.

What causes weight gain immediately after hip replacement? It’s not the weight of your new implant. It’s down to your body’s inflammatory response following surgery.

Dr. Mast has operated on many athletes, dancers and yogis -who regularly require a large range of motion – without using dual mobility implants. Here he discusses why he doesn’t generally use them.

People frequently ask when they can travel after their hip replacement. It’s important to remember that it is typically not the hip that’s going to get in the way of the travel. The issue is that you are at a unique risk for things like blood clots or complications from the surgery during the first six or eight weeks.

Dr. Mast clears up some misunderstandings about nerve damage associated with anterior hip surgeries.